Piano Students Attend 2024 Pianoforte Tuners Association Convention

By Newark College
World class craftmanship at Newark

Newark College's Musical Instrument Craft Piano School attended the 2024 Pianoforte Tuners Association (PTA) Convention in Harrogate last week.

This Pianoforte Tuners Association event provided an excellent platform to showcase the BA (Hons) Musical Instrument Craft (Piano Tuning and Restoration) degree course at Newark College and foster valuable connections with industry experts and leading manufacturers.

The convention featured a vibrant mix of professional development sessions, training workshops, and networking opportunities. One of the key highlights was the promotion of the BA in Musical Instrument Craft, which drew significant interest from attendees.

The degree programme, which is the only course of its kind in the UK, provides students with hands-on training and prepares them for careers in the musical instrument industry.

In addition to promoting the educational programmes, the convention facilitated new work experience opportunities for students. These opportunities are crucial for bridging the gap between academic learning and practical industry experience, ensuring that graduates are well-equipped to meet the demands of their future careers.

The piano students also actively participated in various sessions aimed at professional development. These sessions covered a range of topics, from advanced tuning techniques to the latest innovations in instrument manufacturing. The students benefited immensely from these interactions, gaining insights that will enhance their skills and knowledge.

The event also provided an excellent opportunity to unveil the new branding for the School of Musical Instrument Crafts. The new heritage-style branding reflects the four pathways of the Musical Instrument Craft degree courses (Violin, Woodwind, Guitar and Piano) and was well-received by the attendees.

Moreover, the convention secured several industry visits, which will allow students to observe and learn from professionals in real-world settings. These visits are an invaluable component of the educational experience, offering students a firsthand look at the inner workings of the musical instrument craft industry.

Overall, the 2024 Pianoforte Tuners Association Convention was a milestone event for the Piano School. It highlighted the college’s dedication to fostering industry relationships and providing relevant industry training for its students. The connections made and opportunities secured at the convention will undoubtedly contribute to the continued success and growth of the programme.

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